hortiONE Knob + Bluetooth Dimmer


hortiONE Knob + Bluetooth Dimmer


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Can Controll up to 3 LED Grow lights
Bluetooth Dimmig
Sunrise / Sunset + Timer

Plug & Play Dimmer for hortiONE V3 LED
Compatible with 0-10V LED Driver (DiY)

Availability: 40 in stock SKU: A000051 EAN: 9120106280159 Category: Tags: ,
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horitONE Dimmer Knob & Bluetooth can simultaneously control up to 3 LED drivers. hortiONE 420 / 600 models are plug & play. The supply voltage comes either directly from a driver with 12V AUX. If this is not available, a USB charger with USB-A interface can be used. Thus, the dimmer is compatible with all 0-10V dimmable drivers. Included are 3 cables for hortiONE LED. These can optionally be removed and all compatible drivers can be connected (DiY). There are 3 function modes: 1. KNOB, 2. Bluetooth (Directly from smartphone to dimmer) with timing and Sunrise / Sunset function. 3. Bluetooth with gateway (Smart) so the dimmer can be controlled via a cloud and also connected to external sensors.


1 review for hortiONE Knob + Bluetooth Dimmer

  1. 5 out of 5


    I finally found a prodocut which is compatible with my homeassist system. Happy about that!

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